Dam Operation Fund (DOF)

The fund that is used for operational costs

The Dam Operation Fund (DOF) serves as the treasury for our team, providing necessary resources to support the operational costs of the project. These costs encompass critical aspects such as infrastructure maintenance, system upkeep, team salaries, and cybersecurity measures.

To ensure sufficient funding for the DOF, we allocate 20% of the funds collected from the minting of Airdrop Farmer Club NFTs. This allocation guarantees a sustainable financial foundation for the smooth operation of our project. The DOF will be securely stored in a Safe, leveraging the benefits of a multi-signature mechanism. Our team members, holding the necessary authorization, will have direct control over fund usage and decision-making, similar to the Reservoir Storage Fund (RSF).

In addition, all team-held Airdrop Farmer Club NFTs will be transferred to the DOF Safe and locked for a duration of one year. This ensures a commitment to long-term stability and demonstrates our dedication to the success of the project. The locked NFTs further contribute to the overall value and sustainability of the ecosystem.

The DOF plays a vital role in supporting the ongoing development, maintenance, and growth of our infrastructure. It enables us to continuously improve our systems, enhance security measures, and attract top talent to propel the project forward. We prioritize the responsible management of the DOF, ensuring that the allocated resources are utilized efficiently and effectively.

Please be assured that transparency and accountability are central to our operations. We will provide regular updates on the utilization of funds from the DOF, ensuring our community is informed and involved in the decision-making process. The DOF represents our commitment to the long-term success and sustainability of the project, as well as our dedication to delivering value to our stakeholders.

Last updated